Trophy winners


2024 Newhaven Yacht Club Trophy Winners

Trophies are awarded to members each November at the AGM for their achievements during the year.

Telegraph Trophy (most miles, motor)

Stew & Chris Proud

Spinnaker Trophy (most miles, sail)

Richard Harvey

Cruiser Cup (most ports & anchorages, motor)

Stew & Chris Proud

Master Mariner Trophy (most ports & anchorages, sail)

Maurice Elford

Tapping Cup (most from a prescribed list of ports)

Maurice Elford

Most Improved Skipper trophy

Richard de Rivaz

Most Improved Crew trophy

Jackie Longbone

Cock-up Kettle (voted for by AGM attendees)

John Burke

Peanpa Cup (best nautical photo)

Penny Springall

Trophy winners in past years

2023 winners

Telegraph Trophy (most miles, motor)

Stew & Chris Proud

Spinnaker Trophy (most miles, sail)

Maurice Elford

Cruiser Cup (most ports & anchorages, motor)

Stew & Chris Proud

Master Mariner Trophy (most ports & anchorages, sail)

Maurice Elford

Gannet Cup (winner Challenge series)

Sandy Young

Most Improved Skipper trophy

John Burke

Most Improved Crew trophy

Kath Davis

First Channel crossing as crew plaque

Penny Springall

First North Sea crossing as crew plaque

Penny Springall

First North Sea crossing as crew plaque

Shirli Gaston

Cock-up Kettle

Richard Mitchell

Peanpa Cup (best nautical photo)

Richard Harvey

2022 winners

Frostbite Cup

Sandy Young

Cruiser Cup

S & C Proud

Gannet Cup (rounding Sovereign Tower)

Maurice Elford

Cock Up Kettle

Matt Longbone

Peanpa Cup (Photography)

Shirli Gaston

Spinnaker Trophy

Maurice Elford

NSSC Long Distance Race

John Macaulay

Ranalagh Cup (NYC Challenge)

Sandy Young

Telegraph Trophy (most miles, motor)

S & C Proud

2021 winners

Frostbite Cup

Sandy Young

Cruiser Cup

S & C Proud

Gannet Cup (rounding Sovereign Tower)

Maurice Elford

Cock Up Kettle

John Burke

Peanpa Cup (Photography)

Matt Longbone

Spinnaker Trophy

Maurice Elford

NSSC Long Distance Race

John Macaulay

Ranalagh Cup (1st night crossing of the Channel)

Roger Davis

Telegraph Trophy (most miles, motor)

S & C Proud

2020 winners

Frostbite Cup

Roger Davis

Cock Up Kettle

John Burke

Peanpa Cup (Photography)

Alan Turnbull

Spinnaker Trophy

Roger Davis

Telegraph Trophy (most miles, motor)

S & C Proud

2019 winners

Frostbite Cup

Richard Harvey

Tapping Cup

Alan & Chris Turnbull

Gannet Cup (rounding Sovereign Tower)

Richard Harvey

Kittiwake Cup

Bill Wates

Cock Up Kettle

Matthew Longbone

Peanpa Cup (Photography)

Alan Turnbull

Howgill Cup (Single Handed to C.I.)

Frank Fitzsimmons

Most Improved Skipper

Matthew Longbone

Most Improved Crew

Jackie Longbone

2018 winners

Frostbite Cup

Sandy Young

Tapping Cup

Nigel Cooper & Ann Headon

Cruiser Cup

Stu & Chris Proud

Gannet Cup (rounding Sovereign Tower)

Teresa Scott

Kittiwake Cup

Jonathan Bacon

Helping Hands Trophy

Roger Davis

Cock Up Kettle

Maurice Elford

Peanpa Cup (Photography)

Ann Headon

Spinnaker Trophy

Richard Mitchell

Courage Cup

Sandy Young & Roger Thomas

Channel Handicap Plate (Bake off at Sea)

Shirli Gaston

Howgill Cup (Single Handed to C.I.)

Shirli Gaston

Master Mariner

Bill Wates

Ranalagh Cup (1st Channel Night Crossing)

Teresa Scott

Most Improved Skipper

Alan Turnbull

Most Improved Crew

Chris Turnbull